Michelle @ Big Black Dog thought of me and presented me with a One Lovely Blog Award. This has been a good weekend. I visit Michelle's blog and drool worse than her Big Black Dogs ever could. This woman is a serious baking machine. I tweet with her on Twitter (if that is what you call it) too. She is a very active online person. I have threatened to come and sleep right by her incredible stove that she shows on her site. Maybe I could get dish duty in exchange for room and board.
You know a lot of these badges and awards go around but when you look at the sites of the lovely people who give them to you and you know how great a job they do on their own sites it really does mean a lot to get one. I will be thinking about who to pass this on to over coffee this morning.
Thank you Michelle. Please pass the bread.
I can't think of a more deserving person. I follow Michelle as well, and she is absolutely right. You have One Lovely Blog. That said, it's only as lovely as the person who writes it.
That's so nice. Congrats!