Apr 23, 2015
Apr 18, 2015
Last week I roasted a big meaty chicken for dinner. Not one of those scrawny ones from the grocery store but a full grown bird from a meat market.
I stuffed it with a couple fresh lemons and rubbed that bird with some salt, pepper and a bit of Italian mix spices. Into the oven to roast up with an onion on the side. It got nice and brown and was so delicious.
I had chicken wraps for lunch for a few days and also some leftover chicken for dinner twice. It was just that good. There was still a lot left.
My BB Guy had developed a sore throat and was not feeling well. I developed the same symptoms as he did a day later and ended up with a very sore throat and constant headaches. Ugh.
Time to make Chicken Soup:
- 1 chicken carcass (I left the lemons in and I highly recommend this)
- 2 onions, rough chopped
- 3 large cloves garlic
- *4 carrots
- about 20 black peppercorns
- 11/2 Tablespoons of salt – note this is a really big soup pot
- 2 bay leaves
- 2 hot red chillies – don’t worry the heat tempers down but it is essential
- a baby finger sized piece of fresh turmeric root
- *4 more carrots
- 1/2 cup quinoa grains – added almost at the end
- handful fresh chopped cilantro – added at the very end
Put the first 9 ingredients into your big soup pot and cover with water to just above the contents. As the soup cooks the bones will collapse and everything will be very well covered in the broth.
Simmer for a few hours and then strain out the contents saving all the chicken meat and add the meat back into the pot with the broth.
Cut up the remaining 4 carrots into big chunks and add to the strained broth along with the quinioa grains and cook another 20 minutes or so until the carrots are tender. Toss in the fresh cilantro and serve.
You will not need any more salt or pepper and the gentle heat from the chillies will have you craving more and more. The hint of lemon comes through as well and it is such a bright fresh tasting soup.
This was the best chicken soup I have ever made or even had for that matter. I have been eating it daily to help with my sore throat and have reached the end except for some broth that I poured into two containers and froze for a later date when I will toss in some fresh ingredients for a quick lunch or dinner.
Apr 16, 2015
The other day on Facebook I saw a photo of a man in a t-shirt that cracked me up. That set me on a quest, albeit a very short and easy quest, to find the source of this shirt.
My search brought me to a website that has wonderful, humorous products for those of us who experience aging and arthritis in its various forms.
I had to order something to surprise my BB Guy.
(Big Burly Guy for you new folks)
For those of you familiar with the HBO series Sons of Anarchy you will get the humor here.
Have a look at some of their product line. Father’s Day is coming soon so keep these in mind.
I live in Canada and it usually takes forever to get things that I order from the US but my package came so quickly I was amazed.
We are very happy with the merchandise and highly recommend ordering from them. Easy to use website as well.
And for those whose arthritis is of the rheumatoid variety they have a line for you too.
It is not just men’s shirts. They have a line of ladies as well.
This is just a sample of their product line. Go on over and have a look for yourself to see the rest of their fun gear.