I have the strangest feeling. The feeling that I had better hurry up and do something. I don’t want to be late. I don’t want to forget. I don’t have much time….
But I do. I have a ton of time now. I retired from my job on Friday. It is an early retirement since I am still in my 50s and I am ecstatic.
Still I am feeling a great deal of anxiety because I should be getting a bunch of stuff done in preparation for my work week. It will take some time to wrap my head around the fact that I do not have to get up at some ungodly hour to drive to my job an hour away. I do not have to reach performance goals for the day. I do not have to track the results. I do not have to deal with the escalations from customers, who quite frankly have shown themselves all too often, to be disgusting people.
I am looking forward to more cooking and recipes on here. I am looking forward to getting to know my new town since we have been here a year but I have not had much time to prowl and post about the wonderful finds. I am looking forward to not caring when I cannot sleep in during the night.
I am looking forward to having the time to visit with my fellow bloggers who have sadly been neglected by me over the past 5 1/2 years. I have missed you all so much.