Many people get cosmetic surgery done. It can vary from a bit of a lift to total recreation of their bodies.
There are different types of cosmetic surgeries. Some cosmetic surgery is really a great thing. It helps people with burns, breast reconstruction or many other legitimate reasons. I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT THIS KIND OF SURGERY.
I am talking about the kind that is basically for sh#ts and giggles.
Sagging? No problem, they can tighten it up.
Bagging? They can suck that fat right out and inject it into your lips for that hideous big lip look. Ladies that is not sexy it is gross.
Not enough boobs? Pick a new size…EEE not recommended unless it is needed for your job as a porn star or stripper.
Already have the EEEs? They can relieve you of that extra boobage. Maybe they can use it to pad your rear like some people want. Good grief who wants a bigger ass.
Relatively speaking even though there are things that can go wrong with any of these procedures for the most part if they fail you can cover up the problem.
Well…not in Michael Jackson’s case but generally speaking you can.
There is something out there that I have never heard of before. Did you know that people are getting iris implants? You know the coloured part of your eyes. Brown, blue, hazel, green? People actually get their own irises removed and someone else’s attached so that they can have a different eye colour.
Why not wear coloured contact lenses instead? Well of course there are problems happening and people are losing their eyesight. What are you nuts? What a stupid chance to take. It is not like you are going to have your ass implants removed when they cause problems and you might have some scarring.
The woman in this picture above is now legally blind. So sad. She was an artist.
These are your eyes people. What part of your brain is missing here that you don’t know that it is far too risky a thing to do.