Friday night we heard some loud booms coming from the night air. We went out on the deck and in the distance we could see beautiful fireworks going off in an area about 10 minutes away from us called Agassiz.
We decided Saturday morning to head over there and see what was going on with their Fall Fair.
There was a parade which we missed because we were having breakfast but we followed the tail end of it to the fairgrounds.
I haven’t been to one of these kinds of fairs in a very long time.
There were so many wonderful things set up and the aroma of barbecued chicken and frying onions filled the air. You have to have a good time when you smell that!!!
There were amusement park rides set up and the kids were lined up to get on them. I don’t have any photos of those as I don’t take pictures of other people’s kids. For those wanting something a little less wild they had the old fashioned pony rides where someone leads you around the ring on a cute little pony. I am too big for that ride sadly but clearly remember doing this once as young child. I loved it.
In the big hall there were the baking competitions, Lego building competitions, kids art, produce, flowers and quilting competitions too. Again I didn’t photograph the kids stuff for privacy reasons as they all had their names on their creations.
Here is what I can share with you. 

Look at the size of those beets. BB Guy put his phone down next to them to show how big they are.

I entered to win this quilt and another one as well. Wish me luck.

The colors in this photo don’t do it justice. It was just beautiful. Perfect for fall.

This stubborn goat kept turning around so I couldn’t see his face. Little did he know I am even more stubborn.
This is the end he kept giving me to photograph.

I suggest you attend the small town fairs in your area and enjoy all they have to offer. It was wonderful to see the smiling faces with their prize bunnies lined up on the judging table. The moment of victory for some of them as the judges placed a ribbon in front of their little hairy friends.
The 4-H groups brushing their beautiful sheep.
The excitement of the kids showing their visiting family members and neighbours their artwork and Lego creations.
The more senior community members laughing and talking with their old friends. The proud faces next to their pies and their jars of pickles.
It was a great way to spend a couple hours on a sunny Saturday.