I mentioned on Facebook last weekend that I was going to cook ribs and my buddy Skip
(Hi there Skip…waving at you) suggested I change it up and make Tandoori Ribs.
I love Indian foods but never would have thought of doing this. What the heck. Lets go.
Those of you who have cooked with me before know that I use methods more than recipes and this one really is no different.
Start with your back ribs and if there is still that membrane on the back of them pull it off with a paper towel for a good grip.

Start with a pre-mixed Tandoori spice mix or if you are adventurous make your own mix.

Rub it all over the ribs on both sides. It will make a huge mess on your hands and because there is Turmeric in a Tandoori blend you will have a pretty yellow hue to your hands after you wash them. You may want to use gloves.

Put the ribs in a baking pan and cover them tightly with foil. Bake at 325 – 350 degrees for a few hours.

Take them out and brush them on both sides with half of the bottle of Tandoori sauce being careful when you turn them over so as not to break them apart. They will be soooo tender it will be a challenge.

Back into the oven, uncovered for half an hour or longer to make the Tandoori sauce thick and rib style sticky.
Mix the rest of the Tandoori sauce with 1 cup of a nice thick Greek yogurt.

Brush that over the ribs and pop them back into the oven.

I just broiled them at this point but you could also continue to bake them. Keep a very close eye on them because they will burn very easily once the final coat of sauce is on them.

Your sauce will be pinkish. A little surprising. My BB Guy didn’t know what I was feeding him but he sure ate up.

Remember this is just the method and you can adjust the spiciness or anything else you like. Try it on chicken to go traditional.
Have you ever seen a Tandoori oven? They stoke them up good and hot and they slap a naan bread dough on the sides to cook them and they cook the chicken in there on a skewer.

I am joining with Foodie Friday. Stop by there and find pure inspiration for dinner tonight.