My mind isn't what it used to be. I forget things. Some important things but mostly everyday crap that I need to remember.
Eating - check - no problem remembering that
Sleeping - check - see above
Garbage day - crickets chirping - I said garbage day - what? Oh right garbage day. I don't even have to put it out I just have to remind everyone else that it needs to go out and I can't remember to remind them.
Switch to picture of me lugging out two cans of garbage in the snow at 6:00 this morning. Oh well I had to let the dog out anyways.
I used to have a reminder set on my Outlook Express email program on my old computer. My new laptop (since the summer) runs with Windows Live Mail and although there is a calendar there is no reminder for the events.
Remembering to check the calendar with no reminder of events - Not going to happen. I need a reminder to remind me to check the calendar. Is that too much to ask?
Now I have to have a separate hotmail account to have a calendar with reminders that I will have to remember to sign in to everyday. I like my Live Mail email program and I don't want to switch.
Maybe I could get you guys to email me with reminders of all the everday crap I need to do. Sign up list below. Who wants the garbage day detail?