I am so far behind in my themes and memes and badges and awards but figured I would start with this one today.
I am giving this Atta Girl award to someone who took the extra time that she really didn't have to be kind, caring and helpful to someone else, a stranger.
You can read about this at her site. Her name is Kate @ Becoming Kate, Blogging is My Only Vice
Atta Girl Kate. We need more women like you in this world.
You are welcome to bestow this Atta Girl award on anyone you think deserves it. All I ask is that you link back to my site and also tell me who it was given to so I can add their name to the list. There is a smaller badge on my left sidebar if you would prefer that. Let's spread the Atta Girl around.
This is so nice. Thank you! I am off to visit my mom, but I will be back later. Enjoy the evening!
Lucy, I gave it two inspiring bloggers!