This weekend we went to the cabin to meet up with some old friends who used to live directly behind us. That big crop circle wasn't in their yard when they lived there. As I wrote in a scheduled post this weekend our kids used to go back and forth daily to play. Now they live 5 hours away from us.

They hopped into their motor home and drove down to our cabin on Friday. They got there before we did. We pulled in around 4:30 and we were all so happy to see each other. We hadn't seen them since May when we went up to their son's wedding. Here they are parked in beside the bunkhouse/storage garage. The car is her sisters, our other good friend. She came up with her guy later that night. We were also lucky to have my coffee buddy E and his wife C for half the weekend. I love it when a plan comes together.

All around the property there are wild roses and by this time of year the rose hips are plentiful. I don't pick them ever because I think they should be left for the wild life.

Rose hips are so full of vitamin C.

This isn't some weird prehistoric creature but a cow skull. Yes I know they don't have antlers but that is where someone stuck the antlers. This was a found item and not hunted.

Here is a bit of wood for the coming season. Looks like a lot of work to me.

It comes from the trees left behind when they log an area. They leave lots of trees lying around the edges. It is pine. The area is ravaged by the Pine Beetle that burrows into the bark and kills the trees.

The trees attacked by the beetles end up looking like this, all red and dead. It takes weeks of extreme cold weather to kill the beetles. Obviously this hasn't happened. All the brownish red in the photo are dead trees.
This image is from
Now on to something less important but still bears mentioning. You football fans down there have probably already seen these, in fact you probably have them. This was new to me.
It is a blender that runs on a 2 stroke motor. Seriously. You pull the cord like on a weed whacker or lawn mower and it blends up your margaritas, daiquiris and smoothies no matter where you are. I don't have a photo of the top but it is just a regular blender container.

Pretty clever I think. Will come in handy when Lucy, Ethel and I are on the lam. Right ladies.
It looks so beautiful up at your cabin. You're very lucky to have somewhere like that though I remember you saying you didn't go often. That's awful about the trees and the killer beetle, what a mess of the forest it's making. The blender is an awesome idea - no reason EVER to not be able to mix a margarita.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful place to spend time with friends. Sad to see what the pine beetle does to the trees but at least it's natures way of clearing the forest and not man's way by carelessly setting it on fire. Our vacation comes to an end tomorrow. Well, my vacation, the hubby has had to work - poor man.
ReplyDeleteLori - sounds like you have a phenomenal good time. As much as I love my new husband cherished times like this with old friends will never happen for me again. Funny how that thought just struck me -- ok best stop my thoughts and live vicariously through you with your beautiful cabin.
ReplyDeleteAlthough the cowdeer is rather creepy!!
What fun!
ReplyDeleteWhen we moved up here four years ago there was a cow skull nailed to a tree just outside the fence. I SAW IT OUT OF THE KITCHEN WINDOW.
"That's gotta go." I said.
It's still there.
Tell us what you cooked (and drank) please, I'm still dreaming of that cottage weekend with friends...
ReplyDeleteCiao and again thanks for the computer help
Lola the dummy