This is the most visited post on my blog ever. Not a week goes by without several people landing here from a Google search. I thought it was time to bring it out again.

'Twas the night before Christmas at Rock-Away Rest,
and all of us seniors were looking our best.
Our glasses, how sparkly, our wrinkles, how merry;
Our punchbowl held prune juice plus three drops of sherry.
A bedsock was taped to each walker, in hope
That Santa would bring us soft candy and soap.
We surely were lucky to be there with friends,
Secure in this residence and in our Depends.
Our grandkids had sent us some Christmasy crafts,
Like angels in snowsuits and penguins on rafts.
The dental assistant had borrowed our teeth,
And from them she'd crafted a holiday wreath.
The bed pans, so shiny, all stood in a row,
Reflecting our candle's magnificent glow.
Our supper so festive -- the joy wouldn't stop --
Was creamy warm oatmeal with sprinkles on top.
Our salad was Jell-O, so jiggly and great,
Then puree of fruitcake was spooned on each plate.
The social director then had us play games,
Like "Where Are You Living?" and "What Are Your Names?"
Old Grandfather Looper was feeling his oats,
Proclaiming that reindeer were nothing but goats.
Our resident wand'rer was tied to her chair,
In hopes that at bedtime she still would be there.
Security lights on the new fallen snow
Made outdoors seem noon to the old folks below.
Then out on the porch there arose quite a clatter
(But we are so deaf that it just didn't matter).
A strange little fellow flew in through the door,
Then tripped on the sill and fell flat on the floor.
'Twas just our director, all togged out in red.
He jiggled and chuckled and patted each head.
We knew from the way that he strutted and jived
Our social- security checks had arrived.
We sang -- how we sang -- in our monotone croak,
Till the clock tinkled out its soft eight-p.m. stroke.
And soon we were snuggling deep in our beds.
While nurses distributed nocturnal meds.
And so ends our Christmas at Rock-Away Rest.
'fore long you'll be with us, We wish you the best!
I tried to find someone to credit for this fun poem and cartoon. If it is yours I am happy to credit you or remove it if you wish.
and all of us seniors were looking our best.
Our glasses, how sparkly, our wrinkles, how merry;
Our punchbowl held prune juice plus three drops of sherry.
A bedsock was taped to each walker, in hope
That Santa would bring us soft candy and soap.
We surely were lucky to be there with friends,
Secure in this residence and in our Depends.
Our grandkids had sent us some Christmasy crafts,
Like angels in snowsuits and penguins on rafts.
The dental assistant had borrowed our teeth,
And from them she'd crafted a holiday wreath.
The bed pans, so shiny, all stood in a row,
Reflecting our candle's magnificent glow.
Our supper so festive -- the joy wouldn't stop --
Was creamy warm oatmeal with sprinkles on top.
Our salad was Jell-O, so jiggly and great,
Then puree of fruitcake was spooned on each plate.
The social director then had us play games,
Like "Where Are You Living?" and "What Are Your Names?"
Old Grandfather Looper was feeling his oats,
Proclaiming that reindeer were nothing but goats.
Our resident wand'rer was tied to her chair,
In hopes that at bedtime she still would be there.
Security lights on the new fallen snow
Made outdoors seem noon to the old folks below.
Then out on the porch there arose quite a clatter
(But we are so deaf that it just didn't matter).
A strange little fellow flew in through the door,
Then tripped on the sill and fell flat on the floor.
'Twas just our director, all togged out in red.
He jiggled and chuckled and patted each head.
We knew from the way that he strutted and jived
Our social- security checks had arrived.
We sang -- how we sang -- in our monotone croak,
Till the clock tinkled out its soft eight-p.m. stroke.
And soon we were snuggling deep in our beds.
While nurses distributed nocturnal meds.
And so ends our Christmas at Rock-Away Rest.
'fore long you'll be with us, We wish you the best!
I am trying to stop laughing while I type... this is the best, Lori!!!
ReplyDeleteThat is hysterical!! Thanks for the good laugh.. and so early in the morning.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas,
Ladybug Creek
I just took a quick break from cleaning the house and this made me laugh out loud. So true. Merry Christmas.
LMAO as you know I need all the laughs I can get this week - Thank you my cherished blog friend!!!
ReplyDeleteNow I had to blow eggnog out of my nose and mess up my screen again. A denture wreath? This is hilarious. Leave it to you to put a smile on my face. I need to save this one Lucy. I will print it and tuck it away, and when I am very old I will pull it out and remember exactly who shared it with me.
I needed a laugh and a break! Thank you. So you are the one who hijacked my card from George!
ReplyDeleteTis quite funny. Of course as I get older it gets a little less funny!! : ))
ReplyDeleteThis is SO fitting! I did laugh aloud, and now I'm still grinning while I type. Thank you so much for sharing it! And for the permission to share it even more!
ReplyDeleteThis was really funny--I hope this don't happen to me--then it won't be so funny
ReplyDeleteSo cute Lori! And probably our not so distant future, or at least mine! Very funny!
ReplyDeleteROFL - that is so good!
ReplyDeletePriceless....everyone likes to celebrate Christmas no matter where you hang your hat!
ReplyDeleteIt's funny, and I love it...but sometimes it hits too close to reality for me, lol.
Too funny!
ReplyDelete- The Tablescaper
That is just too funny!!!! I've been missing you, and today was looking for the link to the Proud Canadian button and discovered that something is 'broken' on my blog feed and I've not been seeing your posts lately. Not sure what's going on. But I've fixed the link to the button so I can pass on the info to the blogger who requested it from me. Now that I've found your blog feeds again, I'll have to do some catching up. Take care, and have a wonderful Christmas, if I don't 'see' you again before then.