Do you have a Facebook account?
If so I strongly suggest you run through these, especially #1 and #2, which I have included below, and update your security settings.
It is quick and easy.
I have also set up a "Legacy contact". If I should croak my sister can update my Facebook account as long as she likes. I have instructed her to post fabulous things about me on a regular basis. This step will be available to you when you go through the instructions below.
So many people copy & paste gibberish about protecting their content on Facebook (which is useless and a scam) when in fact they only have to set their security up properly.
Remember any time you do one of those little quizzes online then click to share your results on Facebook you are giving some website access to all your contacts etc. on Facebook. You can do the quizzes still. Just copy the results and paste them into a comment instead. This way you have not opened up the cookie jar to these websites.
The following is from this website.
1) Do An Automated Privacy Checkup…
Many people don’t know it, but Facebook comes with a built-in “Privacy Checkup” feature, which is basically a quick-stop way of tweaking the most important privacy settings in about a minute. To get to it, click the icon that looks like a padlock on the top right of the Facebook homepage. From there, select “Privacy Checkup”.
Once inside Privacy Checkup, you can quickly tinker with three key settings: Who sees your posts, who sees content that comes from specific Facebook apps, and who sees personal information such as your phone number, email address, birthday, or hometown. If you’re anything like most Facebook users (hi Mom!), you probably set these things years ago and totally forgot why your Uncle Jerry or ex-boss doesn’t get to see your phone number. Here’s your chance to fix it.
2. …And An Automated Security Checkup
Using the same basic formula as the Privacy Checkup feature, Facebook’s new “Security Checkup” gives you an easy-access way of checking up on some basic security settings. To access it, head over to From there, you’ll be presented with a three-stage checklist of action items. First: There’s the ability to easily log out of apps that you no longer use, but still could have access to your personal info. Second: The option to turn on alerts if your account is accessed from a new device (just in case it wasn’t you doing so). And, lastly, Security Checkup gives users some basic password tips, and the ability to immediately update theirs to something stronger than their mother’s maiden name.
Takes only a few minutes and can save you a lot of headaches.
To follow FamilyTreesMayContainNuts on Facebook. Click Here.
To follow FamilyTreesMayContainNuts on Facebook. Click Here.
Very Good Advice!! I bookmarked your post so I could come back to it later and make some changes on facebook but right now... I have ten million things going at one time. Oh well.
ReplyDeleteThanks Lori - good to be reminded. What I'd like to know is how to stop seeing all the 'likes' and 'comments' of my friends. Not sure why FB thinks I need to know when somebody I know likes something that their friend's friend's friend posted. I got on FB to keep in touch with various nieces and nephews, and a lot of friends that we don't see often, but really, if they don't want to post something about themselves, why do I need to know about it? Sorry for the rant, just another of my pet peeves.
ReplyDeleteYou rock Lori!! I love posts like this because they remind us all to do a quick check of our pages. And they aren't that hard to follow because you have already done most of the work for us.
ReplyDeleteThanks, went on over and did a bit of tweaking, and even though I had thought it was all fine, there were still a few areas that needed attention.
I really need to do this Lori. A lot of times I don't share things on fb for that reason.